from scapy.all import sniff, IP, UDP, ICMP, DNS, scapy import time import cachetools import multiprocessing import sys import re import tornado.httpclient port_server=8888 ip_addres_server='' def check_data(line,ip_ori,blackList,ttlCache_blacklist): http_client = tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient() line = line + "||" + ip_ori try: if ip_ori not in blackList: response = http_client.fetch( f"http://{ip_addres_server}:{port_server}/check", method="POST", body=line, headers={"Content-Type": "text/plain"}, ) predict = response.body.decode("utf-8") if round(int(predict)) == 1: unix_time = time.time() blackList[ip_ori] = unix_time + ttlCache_blacklist except Exception as e: pass finally: http_client.close() def waitresponsefunction(wait4response,lock,blackList,ttlCache_blacklist): while 1: lock.acquire() to_remove = [] if wait4response: for key in wait4response.keys(): unix_time = time.time() value = wait4response[key] if float(value['expire']) < unix_time: ip_ori = key.split("||")[0] check_data(value['line'],ip_ori,blackList,ttlCache_blacklist) to_remove.append(key) break for key in to_remove: wait4response.pop(key) to_remove = [] if blackList: for key in blackList.keys(): unix_time = time.time() value = blackList[key] if float(value) < unix_time: to_remove.append(key) break for key in to_remove: blackList.pop(key) lock.release() def process_packet(stateTable,wait4response,lock,maxWaitResponse,ip_addres_dst,blackList,ttlCache_blacklist,packet): if IP in packet and DNS not in packet: ip_pkt = packet[IP] ip_id = packet_size = len(packet) current_time = packet.time if UDP in packet and len(packet.layers()) >= 4 and str(ip_pkt.dst) == ip_addres_dst: udp_pkt = packet[UDP] src_port = dest_port = udp_pkt.dport name = str(ip_pkt.src) + '||' + str(src_port) + '||' + str(ip_pkt.dst) + '||' + 'UDP' name2waiting = str(ip_pkt.src) + '||' + str(src_port) + '||' + str(ip_pkt.dst) + '||' + str(dest_port) + '||' + 'UDP' + '||' + str(ip_id) if name in stateTable: valor = stateTable.pop(name) stateTable[name] = valor unix_time = time.time() ##State of last package udp from that IP last_time_pkg = stateTable[name]['last'] last_port = stateTable[name]['last_port'] first_connection = stateTable[name]['first_connection'] first_connection_total = stateTable[name]['first_connection_total'] ##Calculate values of current package multiple_ports = 1 if last_port != dest_port else 0 duration = str(current_time-first_connection) if last_port != dest_port else str(0) ##update value of connection first_connection_aux = current_time if last_port != dest_port else first_connection stateTable[name]['first_connection'] = first_connection_aux stateTable[name]['last'] = current_time stateTable[name]['last_port'] = dest_port ##Add to waiting line_to_csv = str(packet_size) + ',0,' + duration + ',' + str(current_time-first_connection_total) + ',' + str(current_time-last_time_pkg) + ',' + str(multiple_ports) wait4response[name2waiting] = {'line': line_to_csv, 'expire': unix_time + maxWaitResponse} else: unix_time = time.time() stateTable[name] = {'last':current_time, 'last_port':dest_port, 'first_connection' : current_time, 'first_connection_total' : current_time } line_to_csv = str(packet_size) + ',0,0,0,0,0' wait4response[name2waiting] = {'line': line_to_csv, 'expire': unix_time + maxWaitResponse} if ICMP in packet: icmp_pkt = packet[ICMP] icmp_type = icmp_pkt.type icmp_code = icmp_pkt.code if icmp_code == 3 and icmp_type == 3: if 'IP in ICMP' in icmp_pkt: src_ip = icmp_pkt['IP in ICMP'].src dest_ip = icmp_pkt['IP in ICMP'].dst inside_id_ip = icmp_pkt['IP in ICMP'].id if 'UDP in ICMP' in icmp_pkt and str(dest_ip) == ip_addres_dst: src_port = icmp_pkt['UDP in ICMP'].sport dest_port = icmp_pkt['UDP in ICMP'].dport name2waiting = str(src_ip) + '||' + str(src_port) + '||' + str(dest_ip) + '||' + str(dest_port) + '||' + 'UDP' + '||' + str(inside_id_ip) lock.acquire() if name2waiting in wait4response: auxLine = wait4response[name2waiting]['line'] auxSplit = auxLine.split(",") auxSplit[1] = str(packet_size) auxFinal = ','.join(auxSplit) check_data(auxFinal,src_ip,blackList,ttlCache_blacklist) wait4response.pop(name2waiting) lock.release() p_ipv4 = r'^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$' def is_double(string): try: float(string) return True except ValueError: return False def main(): arguments = sys.argv maxSizeCache = 0 ttlCache = 0 maxWaitResponse = 0 ip_addres_dst = '' ttlCache_blacklist= 0 if len(arguments)==6 and arguments[1].isdigit() and arguments[2].isdigit() and is_double(arguments[3]): maxSizeCache = int(arguments[1]) ttlCache = int(arguments[2]) ttlCache_blacklist = int(arguments[3]) maxWaitResponse = float(arguments[4]) if re.match(p_ipv4,arguments[5]): ip_addres_dst = arguments[5] else: print("Invalid IP") sys.exit() else: print('Invalid arguments') sys.exit() stateTable = cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=maxSizeCache, ttl=ttlCache) admin = multiprocessing.Manager() lock = multiprocessing.Lock() wait4response = admin.dict({}) blackList = admin.dict({}) process = multiprocessing.Process(target=waitresponsefunction, args=(wait4response,lock,blackList,ttlCache_blacklist)) process.start() sniff(filter="udp or icmp", prn=lambda packet: process_packet(stateTable,wait4response,lock,maxWaitResponse,ip_addres_dst,blackList,ttlCache_blacklist,packet)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()